Monday, June 26, 2017

WOW………….hard to believe it’s been almost a year since I posted last.  So much for not being gone so long next time.  Where does time go?  With work and play I suppose it just passes away. 

I’ve been up to my usual, making quilts (well quilt blocks anyway), working and reorganizing things.  A few months ago I took the plunge and bought a longarm.  I have yet to use it much.  I am looking forward to spending time with it in the near future.  So, my beautiful sewing room had to be emptied and everything carried back upstairs to make room for it.  What a time consuming process.  I have to say the little time I’ve spent playing with my longarm, I think making the tops and hand stitchin are still my favorites.  Maybe that will change once I get to play more. 

With the 4th of July fast approaching, I’ve decided to share a little wool applique pattern.  About a year ago my computer decided to quit again.  This time they wouldn’t fix it.  I decided that maybe a desk top computer would be better than a lap top.  What a mistake that was.  So my pattern drawings have been limited as I just can’t get comfortable to draw on the desk top.  I had a backup storage system, which I failed to religiously use, so I lost a lot of my things.  I searched that whole backup looking for this little pattern to share with you and couldn’t find it.  I did find that I had printed the reverse out on paper to use for a couple of things I made.  If you look back previous posts you will see those items in process. You can find the free wool applique pattern HERE   Let me know what you think.



Well I better say good-bye for now.

Happy Stitchin

1 comment:

  1. Super cute pattern, LB, thanks for sharing. Glad to see you posting again. Headed up the mountain for fireworks? Have a great 4th of July whatever fun you are up to.
