Monday, June 26, 2017

WOW………….hard to believe it’s been almost a year since I posted last.  So much for not being gone so long next time.  Where does time go?  With work and play I suppose it just passes away. 

I’ve been up to my usual, making quilts (well quilt blocks anyway), working and reorganizing things.  A few months ago I took the plunge and bought a longarm.  I have yet to use it much.  I am looking forward to spending time with it in the near future.  So, my beautiful sewing room had to be emptied and everything carried back upstairs to make room for it.  What a time consuming process.  I have to say the little time I’ve spent playing with my longarm, I think making the tops and hand stitchin are still my favorites.  Maybe that will change once I get to play more. 

With the 4th of July fast approaching, I’ve decided to share a little wool applique pattern.  About a year ago my computer decided to quit again.  This time they wouldn’t fix it.  I decided that maybe a desk top computer would be better than a lap top.  What a mistake that was.  So my pattern drawings have been limited as I just can’t get comfortable to draw on the desk top.  I had a backup storage system, which I failed to religiously use, so I lost a lot of my things.  I searched that whole backup looking for this little pattern to share with you and couldn’t find it.  I did find that I had printed the reverse out on paper to use for a couple of things I made.  If you look back previous posts you will see those items in process. You can find the free wool applique pattern HERE   Let me know what you think.



Well I better say good-bye for now.

Happy Stitchin

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Hi there,

It has been a busy couple months since I last posted.  We decided that since we had both been at our some what new jobs (mine 3 years and hubby's 2 years) long enough now to refinance our home.  This will be a big savings, as we bought our home at the peak of the housing boom and interest was at 10.5%, the refinance will bring us down to 3%.  This is going to be a huge savings each month.   That being said we started the process and what a job it is to make sure all your i's are dotted and t's are crossed.  I literally sat down about 45 minutes before they showed up for the appraisal.  Not thinking we had started some home improvement projects that needed to be finished along with things like painting the garage and refreshing the trim on the house.  We are just waiting for the appraisal to come back now and that should be any day.  All of these projects sure took a bite out of my fun time:)  I did however manage to get a new sewing room out of the deal and for that I couldn't be happier.  I will post some pictures of it empty, as it isn't organized yet.  Some things were stashed in a closet until the appraiser left. I was simply too tired to get it completely done.  After 100 or more trips up and down the stairs in a couple of days, I gave up and stuffed some rubber maids full in the closets;)  Then prayed the appraiser didn't need to see in them.  Now I will take some time to organize it and then I will post some pictures of it full of my fun things. I wish I had taken some before pictures, so you could have seen the transformation.  The floor had yucky tile that we ended up chipping off in dime to quarter size pieces.  The sheet rock walls were in the rest was block.  I still need to poly the wood. I took a few days vacation coming up in a week or so and plan to do that then.  I am thinking I need to put some shelving around the window yet. If I remember correctly the dimensions are 11' x 15' not including the nook that has some shelving in it.  I did the floor with the Rustoleum Epoxy Paint.  I really like it.  A word to the wise though if you have an old floor it will take two coats, no matter what the can tells you.  You can paint the first coat and put the chips on just to be sure and if you need another coat you can just go over it with your new can of paint.  We will be doing the rest of our lower level in this too.  The appraiser really liked it.  it is so easy to work with.  The knotty pine is what they call 8" tongue and groove car siding and I put it up with the 4" side out.  Very inexpensive as far as real wood goes.


I might have been done organizing, but I needed some bonding time with my machine.  Sew I joined a "Mishmash Silly String Block Swap" over at QATW.  Used up a few scraps and really enjoyed my sewing time.  Speaking of QATW, there is a fall mug rug swap going on right now.  They are sew much fun to make and use up more scraps and lord knows I have plenty of them.  Here is the link to the QATW website.   

Here are a couple of my blocks.  Untrimmed, all my trimmed blocks are bagged and ready to be sent to the their new home.  I think they are going to make a wonderful scrappy quilt.  I have seen so many designs done with these blocks I can't decide yet how I want to put them together. 

So another finished project that I talked about in earlier posts is the hall tree.  Here is a photo of it completed.  Hubby calls it my door to no where.  I tell him it is to Narnia.  He looks at me really puzzled.  I am thinking he doesn't know what Narnia is and I am not telling him.  Those are my snowshoes hanging next to it.  I made them a couple years ago now.  I know some of you will smack me for saying this, but I am actually looking forward to using them pretty soon.  Fall and winter are really my favorite times of the year.  I don't like all the heat. 
And here it is as it sits in my entryway.
Sorry it isn't a better photo and the stair railing is in the way. 
I did manage to work on a couple of hand projects here and there, when I was just too tired to do anything other then sit in my chair.  While they aren't finished here are couple of photos.
The first picture is of a new needlebook and the second is of the wall hanging or it could be a quilt block, both done in the same design. Hopefully I can finish them up this week-end or on my upcoming vacation. 

Well I hate to say goodbye, but I need to get some things done today.  I promise not to be gone so long next time and hope to have some fun things done for the next post. 
Happy Stitchin!

Saturday, June 25, 2016

I was so excited for today.  The first day I could take the time and do only what I wanted.  Be it spend the day in my sewing room, working on a wedding quilt or to finish quilting my charming stars quilt or to finish the entry bench.  I woke up this morning thinking what shall I do first, only to find I have no water.  Not sure why, I had water last night when I went to bed.  Hopefully it is a simple fix, but so much for doing only what I want.  As soon as DH wakes up (he didn't arrive home until after 10 last night, long day at work) we will have to find out what is wrong.  Then I am sure, I will be washing up with the water from the rain barrel and off to town for parts or ???? Soooooo bummed!!!

Here we are in the end of June already.  I have a feeling this summer is going to fly by and we will be back into our slow and lazy winters.  What a very strange June so far.  We go from 80's and 90's to 60's.  I think I can only count 3 or 4 days we have gone with out rain.  After planting the garden and hoping for some rain, I sure didn't mean every day.  I believe the garden has only dried enough one time for me to get in and weed and it was a quick job at that as we were trying to beat the storm.  I looked yesterday as we had a day with out rain and it has been very breezy, thinking I could get in there.  No such luck, to my ankles in mud.  So much for my thinking we should plant flat instead of mounding up the rows.  I believe my exact words when asked how we were doing it "Goodness, it has been so dry, we should plant flat so everything doesn't drain off and dry out so fast."  Wrong!  Well some of the veggies are growing, some rotted off and were replanted.  At best all well be fine and at worst some will make it and some won't.  We will at least get some fresh veggies out of it.  The garden was the first of my June projects.

Next was the baby quilt for my nephews new little one, which if I am remembering right, should be here any day and is about 2 days late now.  Using swap blocks from a swap on QATW and adding another block in the center, I really like how it turned out.  There is the exception of my getting a couple blocks turned around and ending up with like colors next to each other.  I did have it on the design wall perfectly placed and I believe it was on row two that I goofed.  Funny how one block out of place on a directional placement can goof the whole thing up.  With being in a hurry, I didn't take the time to check why I was wondering about having to turn every block on that row.  I justified that by thinking oh I must have pulled the block off the wall wrong.  Note to self - when wondering about something, take the time to stop and check.  As luck would have it, I didn't notice it until I had it all together and had the flimsy up on the wall.  Even with the flub they loved it and she was soooooo surprised that I had taken the time to do such a wonderful thing for them.  Ha..........Thank You QATW for the swap blocks.  The swap gave me a large selection of blocks, not one block had the same fabric in it.  I love 30's prints and this has a huge mixture of them. 

Along with finishing the quilt, I managed to finish the entry tile.  Let's just say while laying the tile, I had torn feelings about this.  I would go back and forth with my thoughts - Hmmmmmmm I could and would do this again and Hmmmmmm I will never do this again.  Well I finally came to the part of cutting the tile, set the tile saw up and yes you guessed it - it just sat and hummed......hummmmmmmm.  So that led me to town to purchase a new tile saw, wasn't going to score and break this babies.  I would still be there putting tile in if that was the case.  Cutting tile is super easy with a saw, (hmmmmm, I could do this again) oh lord my knees hurt (hmmmm, I will never do this again), tile all laid (hmmm, that looks nice I could do this again).  So the tile dried and then came the grout............I have read horror tails of grouting messes and then read oh it is sooooo easy.  Well really how hard could it be? Right?  I opted to go back and purchase premixed grout nothing left to question that way.  I still think that is a good choice.  Let me just say this, grouting for me was very slow going.  Make a mess wipe it up, make a mess wipe it up.  Well not really it was more like - make a mess wipe it up, wipe it up, wipe it up, wipe it up.........don't wipe the grout out of the space, but wipe it all up.  Let it rest a while and wipe it some more.  Let's just say, this was my light bulb moment..........I don't believe I will ever lay ceramic tile again.  I went through more buckets of water and wrung (and you really have to wring it, almost to dry) out that sponge so many times, the arthritis in my hands flared and the joints in the palms of my hands were swollen over two inches thick.  It took days for them to go back to normal.  As the day went on, the wringing became harder and harder so the cleaning was not getting done as well as the first part of the floor.  This really isn't a huge deal, it just makes for more grout haze and I really don't believe you can get away with out having this when laying a textured tile.  Maybe if the tiles were smooth like glass.  So now I had to go and buy some haze remover.  I know I saw it and I know it was called Grout Haze Remover.  Well that is what happens when you shop different home improvement centers.  As luck would have it our local store didn't have it.  After finding help, I came home with an acid wash.  Now doesn't that sound scary.  I am hoping it is like the acid wash I used when I did construction cleaning.  The stuff would remove grout and any thing left behind.  I haven't tried it yet, as I just haven't had the time and the wanting to get back on my knees and wring out a sponge again.   I did start the hall bench, have yet to finish it.  Time has been very limited. 

My job, well I went back to my 4 - 6 hour days, for exactly 1 week.  Then I was back to 8's and over 8's for a few weeks........UGH!!! not what I wanted.  I am hoping that is over, had to do training.  The CNA's need 12 hours of training a year and yes you guessed it, it was that time of year.  Well because everyone has something going on, you have to run the programs multiple times.  Hence lots of unwanted hours. 

Then there was spring cleaning, a little late.  It is finally done.  I decided to purge a lot of things, not sure if I mentioned this in earlier posts or not.  I packed away the sentimental things and gave away the rest.  I seriously have about two handfuls of knick-knacks left out.  It is so nice when dusting and cleaning.  Makes it much quicker not to spend a day dusting everything.  There is just enough left out it doesn't look bare.  This in the end will give me more time to sew.  Yeah!!!!

Other then the baby quilt all I was able to complete so far this month was a wool candle mat, for a swap.  I hope my partner likes it.  I haven't downloaded the pictures of it yet or I would post it.  I didn't have as much time to do a lot of embellishment on this one.  So it isn't as fancy as some others I have done. I will post pictures later.

Then finally, my best friend from High School messaged me one day and asked if I was going to be around the week of the 20th.  I said yes and she asked if I was up to having some company as she was going to come down and see us.  While I was very excited, I was really more nervous.  We had not seen each other in 36 years and as time has it we had grown some what apart, with raising families and so many miles apart.  She is Canadian and during the construction boom her dad was a supervisor and they were transferred here for many, many years while we were in school. We became very close and for many, many years after she went home we stayed in touch, the only way we could.  15 to 20 page hand written letters and rare phone call when we could afford it.  She is better than I, as while here she said she still has every letter I sent.  While I don't think I have one she sent.  A few years ago, when all her kids left home and she had so many changes, she had a nervous break down and I was very worried about her.  She came though it and I think is stronger then ever.  She proceeded to purchase a motorcycle on ebay and then wondered how she would get to St Louis to pick it up, how she would tell her husband she had done so and then wondered if she could even ride/drive one.  Well as things go, she got it, got her license and rides all the time, to the tune of over 20,000 miles in a season, on her days off and after work.  WOW!  While on a ride down to the states (she lives in BC, so is rather close to the border) and on her way home she had a bit of mishap and was antagonized by some guy riders.  Nothing happened except put the fear of god in her and she went home and bought a bigger bike.  This time she got a Harley and it is beautiful.  Now she has a bit more speed and can get out of danger if need be.  I think that would have ended my riding alone again.  I have a couple friends that ride and ride alone a lot.  She was always a bit more gutsy than I.  So back to the story of her coming down.  My feelings were mixed - oh my goodness, what would we talk about, were we still the same, would we still like each other and get along and so on.  I know I am a worrier. Besides that she had told me numerous times before she was coming to see me and then things would happen and she could get here.  Well she really made it this time.......we hugged, we cried and we hugged and cried some more.  We talked and talked and talked and then she had to leave.  We are hoping we see each other again and much sooner then 36 years.  I wish she would have had more time.  She belongs to a group of women riders called MotorMaids, so she and her friend from home were headed to the convention down in New Mexico and she was also going to stop by and see a few of our other school mates on the way.  I am so glad we had the little bit of time we had. 

Well we have a huge storm coming in and need to see why we don't have any water.  So I better go.
I leave with you a new stitch along.  These ladies are awesome and have some really cute projects.  This is a from the same group I followed last fall/winter.  It starts at Farmhouse Threads and the link is HERE .  Please enjoy.........a few of the other blogs I follow have some stitch alongs going too.  check out their blogs over in the sidelines here on my blog.

Happy Stitchin

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Hard to believe it has been a little over a month ago I posted here.  Time sure flies.  What a busy month it has been.  As I sit here typing, I look out my window to see snow.  Our weather sure has been crazy this year.  Hard to believe we have gone from 93 degrees to snow in a two week time frame.  We needed moisture to help the fire fighters with all the fires that popped up during the day of heat.  While we did get a little rain and now snow, I don't think it is enough to keep us out of danger once it warms up again.

Hubby and I decided to do a small remodel job before he was called back to work. Wouldn't you know it, they called him back the day after we started.  While I am thankful he was called back, I am wishing it would have been a week or two later as it usually is.  Now I am stuck to finish what I can alone.  Shame on us for waiting until the last minute to do it.  I have been asking for years to get it done.  Hubby is good at remodeling but really doesn't like it, so it is always a chore to get him going on it.  We have been here for 10 years and it really needs some things done, well they are mostly "I wants".  We did the kitchen right when we moved in and I am so glad we did.  This time it is the entryway and living room.  I love knotty pine, so this is what I've been hoping for.  I finally just started on the entryway doing what I knew I could alone and then hoped he would jump in and help with the things I didn't think I could do.  I purchased knotty pine tongue and groove for the living room and being in a split level the stairway has a very high ceiling and walls I can't get to.  So, I am thankful he was able to get that much of it put up before work called.  What I am left with is the subflooring and ceramic tile in the entryway, the built in hall tree that will ease the transition from one area to the other, trim work and the tongue and groove on the living room walls.  I chose to do the entryway first. 
This is the subfloor all laid out, I only have about 800 screws to go. 
Here you can see the tongue and groove we were able to put up before he had to leave.  Look closely - YES that is carpet on the walls (no I didn't put it there) and brick below it.  We are having a fight on taking out the brick.  He may just come home and find it gone:) 
Here I have the start of my first ever tile laying.  I ran out of the thin set cement, so I am at a stand still.  I decided to lay the whole tiles first and let them dry so I can sit on them when measuring out all the tiles that need to be cut. 
The hall tree is going to be a build in on this side of my snowshoes.  It is the only thing I can think to do to ease the difference in that area.  I am really unsure of what they were thinking when they built this house.  I am guessing the entry way was added on at a later date and when they did the wall on the right hand side of this picture they had it off by an inch or so.  Not sure why or what they were thinking because the carpeted area in the picture is a beam that is a good 6" out from the wall yet.  Short of ripping out walls and doing a major make over, I will make it work.  Sometimes it is good to have a creative mind:)  It will for sure look 100% better then it has.  Hubby made the statement that he had not suggested anything for this area because he was stumped on what to do.
So to give you some idea of what is going on in my mind.  Here are couple pictures from pinterest.  
Here are the colors the hall tree will be.

I am using a door blank for the back.  I purchased one with out the hole drilled in it, so it is solid.  The recessed panels will be stained and the other will be painted the black.  It will be styled more like the first pictures with out the legs.  If you can image photo one and photo two mixed together.

This is really what I would have loved to make, but DH (notice how he is no longer hubby and is DH) wouldn't have anything to do with it.  He doesn't like the vintage paint look.  So I am doing it the other way.  After all I have to let him think he gets his way sometimes:)

On too my other projects of the month.  I have been working on Block 5 of the Mystery BOM that is going on over at QATW.  If you haven't gotten the other 4 blocks you should go on over and print them out.  You can do that by clicking here    They are free to members, if you aren't a member, I would strongly suggest you think about joining.  It is a wonderful site for quilters and wool applique.  They do a wonderful job of keeping us busy with contests, swaps, chatting with others and other things.  Never a dull moment over there.  I hope my projects end soon and I can get into another swap.  If you haven't joined yet, please give the Admin a day or two to approve your request.  She is a busy gal too. 

Ah..........I bet you are wondering about my charming stars quilt from a swap over at QATW.  Well as usual my I wants are put on hold to make room for the must be dones.  So, you say what must be done......the remodel, another baby quilt and the Mystery BOM.  I did however finish the top and need to only sandwich and quilt it.  So, it is getting there.  Oh and yes some good news, I finally convinced my job that I really did not want to be full time and that is why I applied for and accepted the part time position that I was when I first started.  I explained to my new boss that I really didn't have enough work for 32 to 40 hours a week.  What did I say to convince her, I told her the truth.  I said, "As I am sure you have seen, I really waste a lot of time here.  Unless you have other projects for me, my position is not a full time position.  If at some point you have something extra you would like for me to do, I will stay longer and do it.  If not I would really like to go back to my .6 position."  I will work 4, 6 hour shifts giving them 4 days instead of 3.  That has me there more days to deal with employees so she doesn't have too.  Much to my surprise she said "Ok" Woohoo I am back to my 24 hours a week, which will give me my sewing time back.  I am so excited to get organized again and start sewing.  Long story short, I will get to quilt it soon.  I do have photo of the finished top.  I really like it.
QATW just had a swap for the little 9 patches, I sure am wishing I would have had time to join that one.  The 9 patch can be used in so many different ways.  I just love them.
I better get on with my day, I have lots to get done and need to run to town too.  That is the only bad thing about living so far from town.  It eats up a lot of your day if you need something from there.
So for now
Happy Stitchin!!!


Saturday, April 9, 2016

Good Morning from sunny Minnesota.  Finally a little sun.  We still have snow and I believe I heard there is more on the way. Ugh:(  We were a little spoiled a few weeks back in March with some 60 degree temps.  It made us think we would see an early spring, then came snow and more snow.  Hopefully the forecaster is right and we only have about a week of cold left to go.  I didn't look at the temp this morning, but was told it was negative 11 and 18 in some areas around us.  Glad I didn't look. 

As I promised - the Bow Tie March of Dimes raffle quilt.  I finished it with time to spare.  Not much time but some.  Maybe it was a stroke of luck, the little gal that came from behind the counter to except the basket was pregnant.  As she walked around she was saying this is my kind of basket and then I saw what she was talking about.  Maybe there will be a couple tickets sold:) 
Here is a photo of the quilt
Here are a couple photos of the basket I put together for the raffle.  I used a jumper seat for the basket and filled it with sheets, wash cloths, toys, lotions, bath soap, wipes and a few other things.  Oh and yes the quilt.

I think it turned out cute.  Hopefully the raffle goes well. 
A while back, in the fall in fact I made a candle mat for a swap.  The fall candle mat swap on QATW.  I had a lot of requests for the pattern, I told those that requested it on Facebook to PM me their email and I would send it over to them.  Well as it went I only received one PM.  I just thought oh well.  Here, come to find out last week Facebook has a hidden folder.  I found the folder and low and behold there were many requests for the pattern.  So, I spent some time this morning drawing the pattern to send on over to them.  Which made me think, I should share it with you all as well.  Some of you may remember it. This will make a great fall table mat.  I just cut my base the size I needed and repeated the pattern twice.  I think it would be so cute on a pieced cotton table topper too.  Some thing as simple as a 4 patch even.  Hmmmmmm maybe I will have to do that.  Let me know if you have any questions. 
Here is the photo of it
And you can download the pattern PDF here  I hope you enjoy the pattern.
Now I need to get busy with the final block for the BOM over at QATW.  As I said before I have it all drawn.  Need to get it stitched up and ready to post.  Block 4 is due to release in a couple weeks.  That will be here before we know it. 
Happy Stitchin


Sunday, April 3, 2016

I often wonder where the time goes.  I wish there were 7 more days in a week.  I've almost finished a baby quilt for a March of Dimes raffle, there are just two sides of the binding left to hand stitch.  I have the backing ready for my Charming Stars quilt, finally.  Next will be to sandwich it and quilt.  It will get done.  Then there is block 5 for the Quilting Around the World BOM, it is drawn and waiting to be put together.  I am thinking as soon as the baby quilt is done this will be my next project.  I really don't want to wait until the last minute, to get it done and with the way the days fly by May 22nd will be here in no time.  I also have the Angel table mat in process and I think she is turning out very cute.  I have her traced onto some primitive muslin to stitch for a wall hanging as well. I am thinking just a back stitch in different colors of thread.  I like that look.

Speaking of the Quilting Around the World - In the Garden BOM.  Have you been working on your blocks.  Block 4 will be released in just a couple of weeks.  If you haven't joined us yet, you can follow the link HERE and get your patterns.   If you haven't joined QATW yet, please allow a day or two for the approval process.  You can then check back in and print the patterns. 

I will have some project pictures to share in a few days.  I hope you will share some of your projects too. 

Even though I haven't shared much here, I've been keeping up with some of the blogs I follow.  If you have some time check them out.  They have some wonderful information and lots of inspiration. 

Happy Stitchin!

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Here it is March 16th already.  We have had a few nice days, with temps in the high 50's and low 60's.  It was so nice, I started to plan my garden and then Minnesota played a joke on me.  I woke up to wet, heavy snow.  This on top of many inches of rain yesterday.  Wish I would have had my rain gauge out.  Just North East of us they received over 4" yesterday and last night.  The forecast is for up to 18" of snow in some areas around us.  I sure hope we don't get that here. 

Anyway in celebration of spring I have a simple little candle mat pattern for you.  Sorry, it took me so long to get this out.  This isn't as detailed as most of my patterns are, so if you need me to break it out into parts, please post below and give me few days to get it done.  When drawing your parts just be sure to extended them down behind each other and you will be fine.  This is the mat I was telling you about in my previous posts.  Where Sue Spargo meets Laura Bailey.  It was tons of fun, doing all of the stitching, I need a lot more practice too.  I think it will be just as cute if you just use a blanket stitch on it.  The butterflies are part of the "In The Garden" BOM over at Quilting Around the Worlds website QATW You are welcome to go on over and join if you are not a member.  If you aren't a member, you have to go through the steps to join and then give the Administrator a bit to accept your membership and then you are free to download the pattern.  The admin is usually on top of memberships, but please be patient incase she is busy.  She will get to it as quickly as is possible. 

Now for some pictures of the mat. 
It is hard to see in my pictures - The hearts are surrounded by bullion knots and covered with sparkly little seed beads.  The rim of the cup and the rim of the saucer are also done in bullion knots.  The flower petals are done with Palestrina knots.  The butterflies have the Palestrina knot, bullion knots, the Pekinese stitch and a beaded French knot.  What Sue has you do is to stitch all your piece down with a matching thread using a whip stitch and then you go back and add all of your ornate stitches.  I cut the heart out with a tiny pair of scissors.  At a guess there is between 80 and 100 hours of stitchin here.  But, it was well worth the time and was so much fun.  I am glad I did it.  Also, this was my first time using wool threads - they glide through the wool like butter.  So, of course I purchased more.

Here is the link to Crocus_Heart_Tea_Cup_pattern Please let me know if you have any problems or need any help.

Now onto the next project.  I have been doodling the past few mornings and I think my next wooly project is going to be a "Garden Angel"  I have her all sketched out, so I may just play with some wool and get her ready to stitch in the evenings when I get home from work. 
Please take a little time to check out a few of the blogs I follow, you will find they have posted their new BOM's.  Sorry, I haven't had the time to post the links for February.  There are some really cute patterns out there.
Happy Stitchin!